pp108 : Configuring Advanced Search Parameters

Configuring Advanced Search Parameters

This topic describes the procedure to configure the Advanced search options on the UDDI browser.

Advanced Search refines your search for Web services.

  1. Expand the Advanced Options group box in the Explore Web Services - UDDI Browser dialog box. The Advanced Options section is displayed.
  2. Type a value for the number of results to be displayed in the Maximum display results field.
  3. Set the following search criteria.
    • Exact phrase - To match the search term exactly.
    • Case sensitive - To enable case sensitivity of the search term.
  4. Select a scheme from Select a categorization scheme drop-down list.
    Note: A categorization scheme is a predefined set of categories, derived from an internal or external hierarchy, which can be used to classify a service. Categories under this scheme are displayed in a grid and you can search for Web services in a specific category.
  5. Select the categories and click OK.
  6. Select an identifier from the Identifier list and type a value in the Value field.
    Note: Identification schemes provide an additional means of grouping entities together and enable the discovery of logically-grouped entities when searching.

    The search criteria is set for an advanced search.

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Related reference

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